Who is Record Nations?
Since 1999, we’ve helped hundreds of document management companies grow their business and effectively compete against larger companies. Today, as online demand continues to grow, we’re always looking for reliable, quality document solutions to meet the needs of our local customers.
We partner with committed, customer-responsive, growth-oriented companies that want to stay ahead in an ever-changing, internet “connected” marketplace. Together, Record Nations partners are changing the way scanning and records storage gets done.
What is a Retail Partner?
One-third of the inquiries we field per day are customers who have small-scale needs. It is not economical for our other partners to service these customers. We refer these customers to our network of retail partners throughout the nation.
For retail partners our referral service is FREE. Our retail partners provide a secure option for small-scale needs. Each partner location is in charge of their own pricing and providing their customers with quality solutions.
Why should I become a Partner?
- For the past five years, the volume of Record Nations residential inquiries has grown substantially.
- Our network of partners service 10,000+ page scanning and records storage projects.
- Your store provides a great solution for customers with a small volume of scanning and records storage.
- We will direct all local 1-499 page scanning and records storage requests to you, free of charge.
- This win-win relationship will enable us to serve more customers inquiring about small scale scanning and records storage services on the internet.

How does it Work?
- A customer calls Record Nations with a request for 1 – 499 pages for scanning and records storage.
- Our Scanning & Records Storage Advisors will answer the call and direct them to the nearest walk-in scanning and records storage location.
- The customer will then come to your location with the pages.
- Scan the documents or setup a time for the customer to pick up the scanned pages.
- Charge the customer your per-page fee.

The Breakdown
Our Scanning & Records Storage Advisors receive:
- 100,000 phone calls annually
- 24,000+ internet inquiries
Partnering with you allows us to provide a solution to nearly 50% of our annual inquiries – with no cost to you.
Why do you have a local phone number that is not mine on the listing?
Google and Bing require that we have our phone number listed to service the customers that we are sending your way. We made it a local number to make it easier for customers to contact us.
Can I upgrade my page to show in front of others in your directory?
Unfortunately, at this time we do not have that option. We are constantly evaluating how to bring our customers and partners more value. We may have some options in the future that will enable our retail partners to do this.
What if I have multiple locations?
We can sign you up for all your locations. There is no limit to the amount of locations you can have with our service.
When will I start seeing more scanning and records storage customers from my Record Nations service?
It is hard to tell. Most new locations see customers within 4-8 weeks.
Is there somewhere I can login and make changes to my listing myself?
Yes, you can go to login here. Use the username and password that you established when you activated your account. If you need help logging in, give us a call or use the “Forget Your Password?” link.
Do I have to pay Record Nations?
No, your subscription is completely free.
What do I do when a Record Nations customer shows up at my store?
The same thing that you do when any other customer comes into your store with their scanning and records storage.
What if I do not have a scanning and records storage service?
Record Nations has a network of scanning and records storage service partners nationwide. We would be happy to set you up with a local scanning and records storage partner in your area.
We already have a scanning and records storage service.
Record Nations does not provide the scanning and records storage services, but it refers customers to the appropriate partners. For small volume scanning and records storage, they will be directed to local drop off scanning and records storage locations. Large volume scanning and records storage will be directed to mobile or offsite scanning and records storage services.