You can now request additional business information for your customer referrals from Record Nations, Shred Nations and Medical Waste Pros.
If there is a business name (company) attached to a referral, this new feature allows for the ability to ‘Request More Info’ to get additional information on the company requesting services.
How to Request the Additional Information
- Clicking on the link in the Referral Email
The referral emails you receive from Shred Nations, Record Nations and Medical Waste Pros will now include a link which will take you directly to your members portal to view additional information about a customer business if applicable. Note that you will be asked to login to the portal before you are able to view the referral details. - Directly Within the Members Portal
When you view referral details in your members portal, you will be able to click a button to view the additional information for any customer who has a valid business name.
New ‘Request More Info’ Button
Whether you click the link in the referral email, or directly access the details for a referral from within your members portal, the button you will use to request additional information for a customer business is the same.
When you click the button, you will be alerted to agree to the charge. This fee is necessary to offset our costs of accessing the additional business information.
When you click OK, the additional business information will be accessed and displayed for you.
Information that may be displayed
Depending on availability, the following information will be displayed for the customer business name (company) when Additional Information is requested.
- Company Name
- Domain (website URL)
- Headquarters Address
- Headquarters City
- Headquarters State
- Headquarters Zip
- Headquarters Country
- Headquarters Phone Number
- Headquarters Fax Number
- Employees (#)
- Industry
- Description (company description)
- Year Founded
- Logo (company logo URL)
- Yelp URL (to be able to see reviews of the company that referral was sent for)
- Type (private, public, education, government, non-profit)